Fairer Health for All Fellowships

The Fairer Health for All Fellowship Programme is designed as a comprehensive, in-depth learning and development opportunity for people from a wide range of backgrounds, including clinical and managerial staff and people working in the VCSE sector. Bringing together representatives from across a diverse range of organisations and professionals that influence population health and wellbeing, we hope to attract an applicant pool that mirrors the communities we serve. 

Aims of the Fellowship 

The aims of the fellowship are to:

 a. Establish and nurture learner understanding of your professional role and opportunities to create Fairer Health for All 

b. Educate learners on the policy and strategy context in Greater Manchester and identify the skills needed to successfully manage change in complex health and care and community settings 

c. Refine learner understanding of the social and commercial determinants of health and the importance of health equity, equality and inclusion  

What does it involve?

The fellowship will be centred around a core project identified by the fellow and the employer/host VCSE organisation and refined through support with a mentor and a community of practice. Fellows will experience a mixture of blended and experiential learning, covering a wide range of population health, equality and inclusion and sustainability themes. The fellow will be required to capture their learnings during the year in an evidence-based project report, submitted toward the end of the fellowship for publication on the Fairer Health for All website.

What can fellows expect to gain?

• Knowledge and skills in public health, relevant to your specialist area 

• Access to communities of practice and learning networks 

• Mentor support to implement a change process and convert theory into action 

• Improved level of personal and professional leadership practice

• Increased resilience and ability to react to the challenges of rapidly changing contexts 

• Ability to triangulate themes from across health and social care, academia, and the voluntary sector  

More about the FHfA Fellowship: 

We were delighted to welcome 16 Fellows from community and primary care settings onto the first cohort this February. We aim to begin a second cohort in Autumn 2024, expanding to colleagues from other sectors. Fellows are released for one day per week from their existing role for one year to complete training and work on their Fellowship project. 

Applications for the Fellowship now closed for Cohort 2.

For more information about the programme, take a look at our information pack. You can also watch the Cohort 2 Information Event here and hear all about the programme, including presentations from two population health Fellows.

Please note that future applicants will need to secure confirmation of support from their employing organisation in the form of protected time, to allow for full participation in the fellowship programme. For any other queries relating to the FHFA Fellowship Programme please email gmth@gmfeds.co.uk 

Looking for ideas for your Fellowship project? Take inspiration and be guided by our thematic GM priorities here. Click here to see a list of project idea suggestions based in Greater Manchester. Also, our colleagues in West Yorkshire run a similar Fellowship programme, and you can read about the projects their Fellows are undertaking here