Primary Care Inclusion Health Toolkit

EXCITING NEWS!  GM Primary Care Inclusion Health Toolkit Published - Scroll down to read all about Inclusion Health and to view the new toolkit.

Inclusion Health

Individuals belonging to inclusion health groups experience extreme inequalities in healthcare, with poorer access, experience and outcomes compared to the rest of the population. We consider “inclusion health” to incorporate any population in GM experiencing social exclusion. This includes, but is not limited to, the following groups:

NHS Greater Manchester (GM) has developed a Primary Care Blueprint, setting out how the ICB aims to deliver fairer primary care services for the population. In order to effectively reduce health inequalities across primary care services, it is essential that the needs of inclusion health groups in GM are adequately identified and addressed.

A Primary Care Inclusion Health Toolkit has been designed to help commissioners and providers of primary care services in GM to ensure that services are planned and delivered in a way that meets the needs of inclusion health groups, and ultimately improves their health outcomes. The toolkit has been designed to help colleagues to deliver on the contractual requirements within the Primary Care Blueprint.

Click here to view the GM Primary Care Inclusion Health Toolkit