Proactive care to live well and prevent health issues
Proactive care is an NHS Long-Term Plan commitment focused on the provision of care in the community for patients living with long term conditions such as frailty and comorbidities, who would benefit most from integrated, evidence-based care. The aim of this type of planned, co-ordinated and personalised care is to help people live well and independently for longer, especially those with multiple long-term conditions.
Proactive care places a strong emphasis on preventing health issues before they occur with pre-emptive measures to maintain and improve an individual’s wellbeing. It is also an opportunity to address health inequalities by using data that’s available to identify specific groups of patients. The transformative potential of this work on proactive primary care in Greater Manchester is significant.
Being person-centred means people can take control of their health, and design support that is right for them. Involving people in planning and deciding their health and social care allows you to work towards what that person needs and wants to achieve, not what the system thinks they need. Person-centred conversations enable us to shift the relationship between health and care professionals, and lead to more effective partnerships to help people manage and improve their health. We begin to care for the person, not the condition, when we ask:
-'What matters to you?' not 'What's the matter with you?'
-'What's strong with you?' not 'What's wrong with you?'
-'What makes sense to you?' not 'One size fits all'
-'What can we do with you?' not 'Doing to you'
There is great person-centred care happening across Greater Manchester but people have told us, through the Big Conversation, that they want more. And there are many benefits to working in a more person-centred way:
-People are more likely to understand the advice given and feel confident to follow it, as well as feeling valued and listened to
-Sharing expertise, knowledge and responsibility improves people's health and wellbeing
-Focussing on what matters to people joins up care across services and in local communities
-Building on what is right, rather than wrong, with people can generate better solutions and reduce pressure on stretched NHS services
-This all helps the health and care system be more effective and efficient
New ‘Top Tips for Teeth’ Resources to Support Children’s Oral Health
Updated ‘Top Tips for Teeth’ resources resources are available to support dental professionals, healthcare workers, and Early Years practitioners in promoting good oral health for children aged 0-3, 3+, and pregnant women. These resources provide practical tips, raise awareness about oral hygiene, and highlight the impact of poor dental health. Parents and carers can also find advice on the Start for Life website.
Free materials, including a social media toolkit, posters, leaflets, and digital content, can be downloaded or ordered from the Campaign Resource Centre for use in dental practices, hospitals, and Early Years settings.
Click the link above to read more about women's health support, knowledge and resources.