Community Led Health & Wellbeing (Live Well)

Live Well is Greater Manchester’s movement for community-led health and wellbeing, supporting healthier, happier and fairer communities by growing opportunities for everyone to Live Well.

Join and connect with the movement:

  • Learn and share through the Live Well Network

18 September: Live Well Live: Increasing access to nature and enriching green spaces 2-3.30pm online.

From community garden projects and local walking schemes, to neighbourhood networks transforming alleyways and food sovereignty networks – community-led initiatives are increasing access to nature and enriching green spaces across Greater Manchester. Hear directly from communities across GM who are leading enriching nature-based/or green initiatives where people need it most. Learn more about GM Nature for Health, our Green (nature-based) Social Prescribing programme, including a boost of funding and a renewed focus on racial inequalities and systems change. Find out more the GM Green Spaces Fund, supporting community-led projects that increase the quality and quantity of accessible, nature-rich green spaces in the city region – and the next iteration of this funding. Sign up here: Live Well Live: Nature for Health Tickets, Wed 18 Sep 2024 at 14:00 | Eventbrite

3 October: GM Live Well: Growing Community Power to tackle health and wellbeing inequalities

‘Growing Community Power to tackle health and wellbeing inequalities’ will bring together people and places across Greater Manchester working to ensure community voice is at the heart of decision-making, changing the way support is designed and delivered, and growing community power in their neighbourhoods. From community-led voice and influence networks to legislative theatre and poverty truth commissions, communities are laying the vital groundwork to make their voices heard. Through these spaces, communities build deep understanding of what is needed to tackle inequalities in their neighbourhoods and activate their collective agency to affect change. We would love to see you at the event, you can confirm your attendance by signing up on Eventbrite: . Please do also send this information on to anyone you know who would like to be part of the day.

A light agenda is available here: light-agenda-community-power-event-final

And the full programme is available here: live-well-full-programme---community-power-event-final

16 October: Live Well Live: Getting to the root of good health: The role of VCFSE in health creation. 2-3.30pm online.

Local VCFSE (Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise) groups who offer community-led health and wellbeing services play a crucial role in preventing ill-health, reducing inequalities, and supporting strong and resilient communities.

Some communities experience more barriers to support and are less likely to have illnesses detected and treated early. These inequalities can worsen our physical and mental health over time. In this Live Well Live, you’ll hear about: How addressing the root causes of ill-health, rather than the symptoms, can enable people to live well and thrive, Work already happening in Greater Manchester to support healthier, more connected communities, How effective partnerships between the VCSE sector and primary care can create the conditions for good health. You’ll be able to put your questions to our VCSE and primary care speakers as part of a live Q&A. Sign up here: Getting to the root of good health: The role of VCSFE in Health Creation Tickets, Wed 16 Oct 2024 at 14:00 | Eventbrite






Live Well is the region’s work and shared commitment to ensure:

  • People have opportunities to be healthy, happy and connected through a variety of activities, support and information
  • People can help make their communities healthier and happier, they are being heard and making a difference
  • Communities have the resources to make change happen

The Greater Manchester Live Well programme works alongside people, communities, and places to tackle the barriers and create the conditions where everyone can Live Well.

What helps us Live Well? 
Live Well is community-led and system enabled


Greater Manchester's thousands of brilliant local communities and organisations already helping people to Live Well across Greater Manchester. They contribute in powerful ways to Greater Manchester's commitment to tackle health and wellbeing inequalities. 

Everyday, the information, activities and help they provide keep people connected, supported and resilient. Health and wellbeing is community led when the opportunities in the places we live and the things we do are delivered with, for and by our communities 

System enabled

Live Well will tackle health inequalities by changing how we work with communities and in our system, to grow community action, power and wealth. Residents, community groups and public services are working together to transform how things are done.


​What difference will Live Well make?

Walking in nature with people we know, volunteering for a local charity, doing something creative at an art group, having our say in the things that matter to us and our communities. Greater Manchester residents tell us these are the sorts of things that help us Live Well.

There are powerful examples of the system taking a ‘more than medicine’ approach to health in our communities, growing the opportunities in the places we live and the things we do. 

Community connectors and leaders are linking people to their local information, support, and activities, and innovative creative health projects focus on exploring identity, community and belonging, peer support groups reduce isolation and provide advocacy, and community networks and co production groups elevate voices and ideas for change that support healthy lives, communities, and places.

Live Well builds on this and our city region’s excellent track record around Social Prescribing.

If understood, resourced, and championed, this community led health will make a huge contribution to reduced health inequalities and create the conditions where everyone in Greater Manchester can Live Well.

What are we going to do?

Working with 150 contributors, it was agreed the Live Well programme would add capacity to the localities, communities and organisations who are already doing this work, making it easier for people to find the support they need.

National Lottery Community Funding is supporting Greater Manchester to:

1. Break down barriers

Shifting systemic and structural blockages when we can. And influencing positive action and change on things that are holding inequalities in place, even when they are not in our direct control

2. Grow our offer

  • Enabling learning, sharing and networking across the region and locally
  • Encouraging investment from national funders and philanthropists to accelerate the journey we are already on
  • Spreading practice out of the region’s existing person centred care, social prescribing, and creative health

You can read our six month report to the National Lottery Community Fund here: live-well-report-12th-aug

Examples of Live Well in Action
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