Fairer Health for All builds on neighbourhood, locality and system action and intelligence across Greater Manchester to tackle inequalities. Check out the many different ways Fairer Health for All is in action across the Greater Manchester system.
Our Five Year Joint Forward Plan sets out our whole-system approach to prevention and our pan-GM commitments against each of the six missions in the GM Integrated Care Partnership Strategy, each requiring continued coordinated action at all levels.
View our Fairer Health for All Delivery Plan, which is monitored via the FHfA Oversight Group - click here to view.
To understand how Fairer Health for All is embedded within the work of our ten GM locality areas, take a look at their Locality Plans.
Live Well is Greater Manchester’s movement for community-led health and wellbeing, supporting healthier, happier and fairer communities by growing opportunities for everyone to Live Well.
Read about how Fairer Health for All is supporting Prevention and Proactive Care.
GM as an Anchor System partnerships and networks include large public sector and VCFSE organisations which are rooted in place and connected to their communities, such as universities, local authorities, VCFSE infrastructure organisations and hospitals.
We are proud to introduce the refreshed Making Smoking History in Greater Manchester framework, a bold six-year strategy (2024–2030) to accelerate our journey toward becoming a smokefree city-region. Since 2017, our efforts have reduced smoking rates from 18.4% to 12.5%, helping 90,000 people quit and achieving 6,000 smokefree births. Despite this progress, over 284,000 residents still smoke, causing 3,900 deaths annually. Our updated strategy targets reducing smoking prevalence to below 5% by 2030 through prevention, cessation, and tobacco control. With initiatives like the Smokefree Hospitals Toolkit, we are uniting communities and partners to make smoking a thing of the past.
Fairer Health for All regularly hold Locality Learning Events where localities have the opportunity to share local insight, initiatives and learning, promoting Fairer Health for All and providing an opportunity to hear, learn and see how we can continue to work to reduce health inequalities as part of the Principles of Fairer Health for All.
Delivering on the GM ICP Strategy Missions
See below for how we’re delivering on these missions; Strengthening our communities, Helping people get into, and stay in, good work, Recovering core NHS and care services, Helping people stay well and detecting illness earlier, Supporting our workforce and our carers, and Achieving financial sustainability.
Strengthening our communities
Helping people to stay well and detecting illness earlier
Helping people to get into, and stay in, good work
Supporting our workforce and our carers at home
Achieving financial sustainability
Stories of Change
Building on the above Greater Manchester ICP Strategy Missions, we have begun to gather more case studies of Fairer Health for All in action. Visit our Stories of Change page here.