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Welcome to the Fairer Health for All Academy

What is Fairer Health for All?  

A framework that brings everyone together to tackle health inequalities in our communities, workplaces and health and care settings

  • Joining up action at community, locality and regional level through a set of shared principles, enablers, tools, resources and themed priority areas. 
  • Connecting leaders and champions that to grow a movement for change
  • Sharing learning about what works to create more opportunities for people to lead healthy lives in our city region
  • Our response as a Health and care system across Greater Manchester to the Marmot and Independent Inequality Commission reports
  • A call to action to embed prevention, equality and sustainability into everything we do

Read full framework here

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Fairer Health for All in Action 

Mission 4 Case Study

Health and care providers are using a range of population health management approaches to reduce health inequalities by identifying people most at risk and prioritising access to care. 

This includes making long-term condition dashboards available to GP practices to support data-led approaches to multimorbidity reviews, and enabling focused neighbourhood activity in collaboration with Local Authority and VCFSE partners. 

In Manchester Locality, intelligence tools have been developed for GP practices so they can identify and provide targeted support to patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disease who are at highest risk of further or worsening CVD (for example, those with poor control of blood pressure or cholesterol). This has led to improvements in treatment targets across a range of CVD indicators. These tools are now included in the GM health and care intelligence hub for use by Primary Care Networks across GM

For more case studies and examples of Fairer Health for All in action, click here.