About Fairer Health for All

What is Fairer Health for All?

The Fairer Health for All framework outlines our commitment to reduce inequalities from cradle to grave.  It outlines our shared principles, priorities for coordinated action across the city-region and tools to enable change.

Read full FHfA framework here 

Why is the Fairer Health for All Framework needed?

What are the FHfA principles?

What will the framework help to achieve?

Work together to fulfil statutory NHS responsibilities such as unlocking social and economic potential and delivering against CORE20plus5 inequalities targets

Enhance and embed prevention, equality, and sustainability into everything we do as a health and care system

Tackle the discrimination, injustices and prejudice that lead to health and care inequalities

Create more opportunities for people to lead healthy lives wherever they live, work and play in our city region.

What will we do? Key priorities to tackle health inequalities

Improve health and wellbeing to narrow the gap in life expectancy
and healthy life expectancy

• Narrow the gap by at least 15% by 2030 between men and women living in GM, between all ten localities, as well as between GM and the England average

Reduce unwarranted variation in health outcomes and experiences 

• Eliminate the difference between the highest and lowest social groups in the experience of having two or more multiple

health harming behaviours such as smoking and excess alcohol consumption


Increased social and economic activity because of reduced ill health 

• Narrow the 15-year gap in the onset of multiple morbidities

between the poorest and wealthiest sections of the population

to 5 years by 2030


Reductions in preventable or unmet health needs leading to reductions in demand 

• Close the health inequalities gap in smoking prevalence with England by 2030*

• Reduce avoidable mortality rates by 40% by 2030 compared to 2018-20 baseline


Reduce the difference in life expectancy and the incidence of physical health conditions for people with Serious Mental Illness

• Narrow the gap with England by 15% by 2030

Reduce Infant Mortality

• Narrow the gap in Infant Mortality with England by 15% by 2030

• Close the school readiness gap by 2030

Click here to take a look at the Intelligence Hub and examine data trends over time.

How will we do it? Continue to develop GM as a Population Health System:

The 160 actions to deliver these strategic objectives are detailed within our published Joint Forward Plan | Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership

You can also view our Fairer Health for All Delivery Plan here, which is monitored via the FHfA Oversight Group

Click  here  to understand how Fairer Health for All is embedded within the work of our ten GM locality areas.

See Fairer Health for All in action  here.