We have created a list of potential GM based projects that Fellows may wish to undertake. This list will be updated regularly as we receive more suggestions.

ThemeLocationProject descriptionHow success will be measuredContact details
Net zero/sustainability
GM wideDevelop content for a 'Climate & Healthcare' elearning module to be shared across all healthcare providers in GM. This would build upon Environmental Sustainability elearning available through elearning for healthcare, link to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority 5-Year Environment Plan priorities, and cite examples from the GM Healthcare system.
Production of content, and ideally roll out across GM if this is feasible within the timeline.
Net zero/sustainability
GM wideThe Royal College of Emergency Medicine have recently launched a GreenED framework to measure and reduce the impact of Emergency Departments in the UK and promote environmentally sustainable practice. The toolkit is open access and supporting resources are available. Your role will be to promote this framework to key points of contact across GM Trust ED's, share best practice and convene a forum of leads to drive progress forward across GM.Number of ED's signing up for the programme, successful completion of actions at a given level (bronze, silver, gold) and number of formal accreditations by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.
Net zero/sustainability
GM wide

Provide training and materials for primary care to encourage healthier greener diets for patients. 

Food and nutrition is a focus area within the NHS GM Green Plan. This project would support Green Plan delivery, and provide the opportunity to work with a network of colleagues interested in sustainable food and nutrition. 

Individual diet can be a powerful way to reduce carbon emissions and improve health and wellbeing, however care must be taken to ensure advice from healthcare professionals is accessible to patients especially in light of the cost of living crisis, and that best practice clinical care and patient choice is upheld.

The target population for training would be primary care practitioners, particularly Practice Nurses and Healthcare Assistants, in order to reach their broad patient population whose health may benefit from a healthier greener diet. 

Through generation of robust signposting pathways to training and resources for primary care colleagues to access, in order to educate and support patients to take up healthier greener diets.

Training events may also be held as appropriate to educate primary care practitioners about healthier greener diets, with feedback surveys held before and after to gauge effectiveness of training.

Community led health - Live Well; Creating Healthy Places ; Social model for healthcare (person centred, trauma responsive/preventative care); Inclusion;

Live Well - How might we… develop district (neighbourhood) based budgets for commissioning and delivery of community-led prevention activity?  

For people and communities:

* Increased agency and power in local decisions

* Increased availability and accessibility of activities and support available to them at a local level

* Longer term: improved public health outcomes and wellbeing outcomes

* To address health inequalities at the neighbourhood level by bring investment closer to communities

For the system:

* A fundamental shift in the way we commission and deliver prevention activity at the local level

* The infrastructure to share budgets and decision making at a local level and provide a blueprint for us to spread and scale approach borough-wide

* A mechanism to increase investment into community-led prevention activity and to bring decision-making closer to communities & individuals

Community led health - Live Well; Creating Healthy Places; Inclusion;

How might we… find radical ways of collaborating so that communities can play a leading role in creating happier healthier lives?

* We will work with people from the neighbourhood that experiences the highest level of disadvantage in Salford, including new and emerging communities of identity to build a Live Well ecosystem so people can lead healthier happier lives and get better help.

This builds on the work of this local community to organise to create better chances for everyone, plus our public health agenda

Co-produce a plan with local communities, organisations and stakeholders

Employ local people to map activities, resources and opportunities and also key touch points of the community (eg shops, schools, libraries etc)

Build on formal and informal networks to help people get access to opportunities

Set up an inclusive training & development offer

Develop new offers where needed and wanted

For people and communities:

* It will be easier to find things to improve wellbeing 

* There will be more opportunities in the community, particularly for people who experience inequalities

* There will be ‘trusted voices’ to help find good advice and help

* People will feel more resilient, and have increased wellbeing

* Better experience of services

* More people will be involved in shaping and improving community health

For the system:

* Evidence about what works and the impact it makes to spread ideas

* The local integrated team will have a successful model for working with the local community, and the Salford system will have one to take to other neighbourhoods

* It will be easier to know what is available in the community, and to communicate better with people less frequently engaged with services

Inclusion; Social model for healthcare (person centred, trauma responsive/preventative care); Creating Healthy Places; Community led health - Live Well;

How might we… build a new ‘co-operating system’ by learning how to change our machinery, so that we can better support people to Live Well?

We will focus on 4 areas:

* Information: how it's accessed and what we need in order for it to generate more good opportunities to Live Well, more equitably

* Co-operative Help Delivery Model: strengthening what helps people thrive through times of poverty

* Our Impact: understanding what to capture and how to show the real lived impact of stopping ‘bad things’ and enabling ‘good things’ - to confidently inform our investment

* Co-operative Reform: changes to transactions, relationships, governance and behaviour in our system so we can actively reduce structural inequalities that get in the way of a good life 

For people and communities:

* More, easier opportunities to keep healthy and safe, through that which gives purpose, happiness and connection

* Direct opportunities for shaping and shifting how things work, including employment opportunities

* Better, more effective help when you need it, to stop things going wrong, and help when things are tough - particularly for people whose potential is hampered by structural inequalities

For the way the system works: 

* To change our system – how we make decisions, deliver support, work with people and communities – a shared way of working that builds connections and trust - so that we help keep more peoples lives on track.

* By designing new methods of impact measurement, commissioning and policy frameworks and governance approaches we will impact on the design of help, opportunities and support that are available after this programme ends. 

Creating Healthy Places; Community led health - Live Well;

How might we… strengthen our use of data and intelligence to evidence the value of ‘Live Well’ activity, and inform funding arrangements

For people and communities:

* Funding decisions better reflect what people want and need, and what they have to offer

* People are and feel more influential in what happens locally

* Funding is better targeted to people who experience inequalities and disadvantage 

For the system:

* Easily understandable evidence, of the positive and preventative impact the community support/activities have on health and wellbeing, especially for those suffering greatest inequality. 

* Sustainable, long-term public sector funding through a single, aligned community wellbeing fund – to support community groups /organisations to deliver these supporting activities.

Inclusion; Social model for healthcare (person centred, trauma responsive/preventative care);Creating Healthy Places; Community led health - Live Well;

How might we… build a collective ABCD approach to enabling people and creating places where everyone can Live Well?

* We will develop an inclusive training and development programme, building a shared

     understanding between community champions, voluntary sector, and paid workers. It will help grow knowledge, confidence and expertise in creating healthy communities. 

* We will grow the connection between community champions and social prescribing link workers so that they can help communities to Live Well.

* We will establish a sustainable independent infrastructure for active community champions. They will be able to set their own agenda to create healthier communities whilst also playing the role of critical friend to support and steer the development of services. 

* This builds on our work to embed Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) practice, and our ‘Lets Keep Bolton Moving’ resources where people upload and find activities, and can come forward to volunteer or become a community champion. 

For people and communities:

* More opportunities for community led connection and activity in localities, supporting people out of adversity

* A more welcoming inclusive place to live - through growing understanding of the complex reasons for people’s decisions and behaviours, including an increased awareness of the experience of trauma. 

* An infrastructure to make it easy to get involved, volunteer and have influence over services, and connect and collaborate with public service leaders.

* Individual opportunities for skills, knowledge, the move into paid roles

* Better health and wellbeing outcomes

For the system:

* Access to insight and partners with lived experience who can help design better service responses, making it easier to connect and collaborate with communities.

* Organisational learning about how to shift power and build a more equal playing field around improving the health and wellbeing of local populations – decreasing the information privilege.

* Sustainable long term models for community leadership and voice; inclusive learning and training; shift in culture with ABCD values and practice embedded

Inclusion; Creating Healthy Places;
GM wideWhat support is available to ensure children and adults with neurodiversity conditions access primacy care services.
An overview will be available regarding what support is in place, gaps in provision and good practice. This could support the development of an action plan to address the gaps.
Inclusion; Social model for healthcare (person centred, trauma responsive/preventative care); Creating Healthy Places; Community led health - Live Well;
OldhamMenopause clinic

At present patients are waiting for at least 6 months to see a specialist.

Having a local menopause clinic run by GPs with special interest in menopause , patients can be seen earlier and managed appropriately .

Email alison.wheatley6@nhs.net for contact details
Inclusion; Social model for healthcare  (person centred, trauma responsive/preventative care)
StockportWe invite project ideas from practitioners in any setting who are interested in taking a health equity lens to their area of work.  As such, a fellow may wish to conduct a health equity audit or similar to improve how their or their team’s work addresses inequalities in access, experience, or outcome of their service.  This could be the work of a team/service in healthcare, social care, or other frontline service. 

A stocktake of equity of access, experience, and/or outcome relating to the service, and an improvement plan for the service. 
